Monday, March 4, 2013

So This is 45

At the end of January is the time that I mark my solar revolutions (aka birthday). I'm usually at a loss on how to celebrate this event. Often I kind of wonder why I should, or what's the big deal. Though I totally support and super enjoy celebrating with others for theirs. Maybe if my birthday wasn't right in the heart of winter, I might get stoked on having a big camping party or something... but, alas, no.

Anyway, this post is late in the coming because I did get away for my birthday and had an amazing time. I was quiet. I was away from Internet but close to the ocean. I was able to focus on some projects, and its the excitement around those that has made me forget to write... here.

The Sylvia Beach Hotel in Newport Oregon is where I landed. Its an amazing space that a friend of mine suggest a couple years ago. It is in the Nye beach area, over-looks the ocean, and is Internet and cell phone free! Each room is decorated with the theme of a different writer. I was in the Alice Walker room. No it was not all purple; however, there were several books of her poetry stacked on a table. In truth I spent little time in my room. I was either walking outside, in the library, or the "living room" next to a fire. After dinner they served hot spiced wine... so yeah, I had a little to drink... I mean, come on... hot wine next to a fire with the ocean right there, with a book in my hands and the hotel cat on my lap... I found some contentment.

So soon I will start posting about those projects. I am really excited to be able to dig deeper into some topics that I have already discussed here, plus some new ones. Oh and the promised 5 year fitness project. It is finally taking some shape, and so am I. Hopefully these pics will give you a good sense of the calm I am still riding out.

one of my seats

the view from that seat

the hotel cat

found a co-op for some good food


watching storms roll in all day

this was my seat. the one on the right

view from that seat


Anonymous said...
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Renard Moreau said...

[ Smiles ] I hope that you make it to 46!